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Your 12 Week Strength Transformation


This 4 Phase Training Program combines the very best of our tried and tested methods, fine tuned through literally thousands of hours spent coaching our clients and athletes at The Farm.


Have you ever wanted to become:










Have you ever wanted to build dense, athletic looking muscle, whilst reducing bodyfat to create a visually impressive physique, that is not just for show, but can also do the GO!!!???? Have you wanted the cardiovascular conditioning that allows you to be the hardest worker in the room?


This 4 phase program will build all of the physical attributes required through our perfectly balanced and periodised approach.


Each 3 week training phase builds upon the previous, working toward peak performance, so you'll be moving in ways you never imagined.


Phase 1 works upon stability and developing the structures, connections, and work capcity. This is ideal for both beginners and experienced athletes alike, as no matter your current level, you can select the right level of resistance suitable for your experience to build foundations upon which the rest of the program can be securely built.


Phase 2 takes this further through tempo work and slow eccentrics to build outstanding mind/muscle connection whilst building endurance and adding armour.


Phase 3 is where we really start building strength through heavier work, having mastered the movement quality, and developed the mobility and stability required to start pushing hard! We also introduce sprint work to start developing the explosiveness of an athlete.


Phase 4 is our peaking block whereby we bring it all together and develop unbelievable POWER through use of plyometrics and contrast sets so you'll be looking, training, and performing like an athlete.


All of this is underpinned with mobility work and corrective exercises chosen to enhance movement quality and protect against injury, making you bombproof and anti-fragile.


This eBook training program includes high quality video examples for every exercise and training protocal, as well as detailed briefings for every training phase so not only know what you're doing, but also WHY you're doing it.


No matter where you are in the world, you can now access the very best of what we have to offer at The Farm and become STRONG ASFK!


Strong ASFK

  • Is this program suitable for beginners?

    Although the system may sound advanced, the methods are entirely appropriate for beginners. By working with either light weights or even just bodyweight, you can use these same protocals to build great technique and stability in the early stages as the initial training phases concentrate upon paused and/or tempo reps, meaning you get to slow things down and really build a great connection to your body.

    More experienced athletes will be able to challenge themselves with heavier weights, so everything is scalable to suit the individual, no matter their start point.

    What equipment do I need?

    This program will require access to a gym, or well equipped home gym environment including barbells, dumbbells, weight rack, bench, and a pull up bar. You will also require either a cable machine and/or resistance bands for the corrective/mobility exercises.

    How many sessions per week?

    There are 3 x strength sessions per week, with 2-3 optional cardio sessions for the non training days.

    How long do the sessions take?

    Each strength session is designed to be completed within an hour. The cardio sessions range from 15 - 40 mins.

    Can the program be repeated?

    YES!!! In the eBook we explain how you can either run the program again as it is, and show how to make a few simple adjustments to make this an entirely new 12 week program so you can keep recycling it for as long as you require.


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