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Energise Your Day with High Protein Breakfast Ideas

Poached eggs and avocado on sour dough
Breakfast Shouldn't Be Boring

Something we've been highlighting lately with our in-person and online clients is the importance of kickstarting your day with a high-protein breakfast. It sets the tone for better nutritional choices throughout the day, reducing those misleading hunger signals for unhealthy snacks.

Mornings can be a race against the clock, but fear not, because we've got some quick and tasty ideas to ensure you get your protein fix without becoming a kitchen ninja. These options are as simple and will require less than 5 mins to prep:

1. Overnight Oats

You can prep this one the night before. Mix oats, milk, and protein powder, and in the morning, you'll have a satisfying breakfast. There are countless recipes out there to explore. Personally, I'm a fan of adding a scoop of chocolate protein powder, a teaspoon of instant coffee, and a dollop of Greek yogurt for a delightful tiramisu-inspired treat.

2. Greek Yogurt

Grab some Greek yogurt, add a scoop of whey protein, and sweeten the deal with fresh fruit, honey, berries, or nuts to make a wicked little smoothie bowl. It's a quick and delicious option.

3. Protein Smoothie

For a lightning-fast breakfast, blend some protein powder with fruits, perhaps some oats, and your choice of milk. The possibilities are endless.

4. Hard-Boiled Eggs

Boil a batch of eggs in advance for a protein-packed grab-and-go option. For an extra twist, add a couple of slices of ham and maybe some hollandaise sauce if you're feeling a bit fancy. If you've anything like me, you'd love the opportunity to crack open a few of these little hitters on a packed out morning train to get a reaction.

5. Cottage Cheese

Listen, I ain't gonna pretend I like it. That said, I'm not gonna judge you if you do! Pro-Tip, mix this in with some scrambled eggs to disguise it and also give a massive protein boost to an already solid option.

6. Lean Breakfast Meats

Imagine you're on a European getaway and channel your inner German with some lean breakfast meats. If you're in a tropical mood, mix a tin of tuna with coconut shavings, fresh chili, and a splash of lime juice. Have this with a little boiled white rice and cucumber for an incredibly high protein and tasty start to the day.

7. Leftovers

Don't shy away from having leftovers from last night's protein-rich dinner for breakfast. Think leftover chilli with scrambled eggs on a warm tortilla with some hot sauce, or some leftover steak with a couple of fried eggs.

Feeling hungry yet? We hope these ideas have sparked your breakfast creativity.

Now it's your turn to put these suggestions into action!

For a deeper dive into recipe ideas, be sure to explore our High-Performance Cookbooks

We also offer Nutrition Coaching to help educate you to make better choices to help you toward your health or performance goals including weight management, sports nutrition, physique composition, and fight camp weight cuts either online or at our base in Brentwood, Essex.

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